Welcome to the Kentucky Chapters of APCO and NENA.
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials – APCO International – is the world’s oldest and largest not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications. With more than 15,000 members around the world, APCO International exists to serve the people who manage, operate, maintain, and supply the communications systems used to safeguard the lives and property of citizens everywhere.
By hosting statewide quarterly meetings and the annual Kentucky Emergency Services Conference, we’ve been bringing new information, ideas and training to professionals in our field. We have provided this web site as a quick reference to activities and contacts in our chapter. The purpose of this website is to serve our members and those interested in joining our organizations.
In partnership, the National Emergency Number Association and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International are dedicated to the development of a nationally recognized certification program for telecommunicator mutual aid response in the aftermath of disasters, providing information as to operational deployment of Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT) programs and taking a leadership role in assisting governmental agencies in the development of TERT-style programs at the regional, state and local levels.