Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce

Telecommunicator Emergency Response Task Force
The National Joint Telecommunicator Emergency Response Task Force Initiative (TERT) is a partnership between APCO and NENA that has worked to develop the many facets of a TERT program and to help states develop who do not yet have an active TERT program. TERT involves a comprehensive program that includes assistance to individual states in developing programs that would lead to the establishment of predetermined and selected trained teams of individuals who can be mobilized quickly and deployed to assist communications centers during disasters.
Locally, the Kentucky Chapters of APCO and NENA have taken initial steps to bring this program to Kentucky. Sherrie More information about NJTI-TERT is project is available on their website at http://www.njti-tert.org. Additionally there is a FEMA Independent Study course (IS-144) that provides a good amount of information which you can use toward your annual training requirements.
Congratulations TERT Executive Board
Jimmy Kitchens -President
Laramie Scott -Vice President
Joey Mattingly -Secretary
Candy Wilson -Treasurer
Garth Wireman - KY APCO Representative
Kristi Jenkins - KY NENA Representative
Russ Clark - State Coordinator
Mission Statement
In partnership, the National Emergency Number Association and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International are dedicated to the development of a nationally recognized certification program for telecommunicator mutual aid response in the aftermath of disasters, providing information as to operational deployment of Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT) programs and taking a leadership role in assisting governmental agencies in the development of TERT-style programs at the regional, state and local levels.